Friday, January 28, 2011

Weekend Plans?

It's been a crazy week hasn't it?
Some of you are buried in snow & loving it!
Gina at Willow Decor 
took a spill shoveling the snow off her roof
 causing an avalanche. 
Then there's Megan who's Peacing Out at
Beach Bungalow 8
 in her new sandals!
I will still be in my woolies & mittens 
by the fire,
longing to be in my wellies & gloves
in my garden.
I think artist John Gannam illustrates the weekend beautifully.
So what are you doing?
After A Day in The Snow
Around The Swimming Pool
Picnic At The New Homesite
Amateur Magician
Clambake At The Beach
Showing Off The Engagement Ring
My personal favorite...
Picnic On a California Beach
I'll be reading the Comics & your beautiful blogs,
enjoying America's Beverage Of Moderation & waiting for my polish to dry!
Whatever you do,
stay warm or stay cool,
but be sure to stay fun!
xo Lisa

art by John Gannam